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Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.



3.1 Efficient and Ethical Information-Seeking Behavior

3.2 Access to Information

3.3 Information Technology

3.4 Research and Knowledge Creation


(American Association of School Librarians. (2010). ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jun. 2019].)


My accomplishments in this area…

Research is the key to success with our students, no matter what the age. However, they are not often taught to research so that it makes sense for them and is the most efficient for their efforts. Through curations, pathfinders, web quests, etc., students can be taught how to find things through a narrowed down process that includes a great deal of independence on their parts. They also can learn the accurate ways to disseminate that information so that ethical values are being followed. Also, teachers need to be taught how to research ethically, as well, and they need to be able to do it as efficiently as possible due to time constraints. I feel that while this area is constantly evolving and changing, I have become accomplished in these standards and will be able to lead students and teachers alike.

Information and Knowledge: Courses
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